
Debunking 30 Common Myths About Dengue Fever | Unveiling the Truth

Debunking Common Myths About Dengue Fever

Despite the widespread occurrence of dengue fever, there remains an alarming amount of misinformation surrounding this disease. It’s time to separate fact from fiction and debunk some myths.

Myths about Dengue Fever
Myths about Dengue Fever

1. Myth: Dengue Only Occurs During the Rainy Season

The truth is dengue fever can strike at any time of the year. The disease is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, which breeds in stagnant water, whether rainwater or not. Thus, it is crucial to maintain cleanliness and prevent water stagnation all year round1.

2. Myth: Wearing Long Sleeves and Pants is Enough to Prevent Dengue

This assertion is only partly true. Protective clothing reduces the chances of mosquito bites, but it’s not entirely foolproof. Using mosquito repellents and nets is also a crucial part of preventing dengue2.

3. Myth: Mosquito Nets Are Not Effective Against Dengue Mosquitoes

This is incorrect. Mosquito nets, especially those treated with insecticides, can provide reasonable protection against mosquito bites, reducing the risk of dengue3.

4. Myth: You Can Tell If a Mosquito Is Carrying Dengue

Regrettably, there is no way to differentiate a dengue-carrying mosquito from others. Prevention is paramount as all mosquito bites should be avoided4.

5. Myth: Using Air Conditioning Can Spread Dengue

Contrary to this myth, air conditioning can decrease the risk of Dengue by creating an environment that is less suitable for mosquitoes5.

6. Myth: Having a Healthy Lifestyle Can Prevent Dengue

While a healthy lifestyle is always beneficial, it does not explicitly protect against Dengue. Dengue prevention primarily involves reducing exposure to Aedes mosquitoes6.

7. Myth: People Living in Cities Are Less Likely to Get Dengue

Urban areas are often the most affected by Dengue because of the high density of mosquitoes and humans. Hence, urban dwellers are equally susceptible to the disease7.

8. Myth: Only People Living in Poor Sanitation Conditions Can Get Dengue

Dengue is not exclusive to poor sanitation conditions. Dengue mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, regardless of its cleanliness. Therefore, anyone, irrespective of their living conditions, can get dengue8.

9. Myth: A Vaccine Can Provide Complete Protection Against All Types of Dengue Viruses

While a dengue vaccine exists, it does not provide complete protection and is recommended only for certain people. It’s essential to continue practising preventative measures9.

10. Myth: You Can Get Dengue From Touching Someone Who Has It

Dengue is not contagious and does not spread through direct contact. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito10.

11. Myth: If You’ve Had Dengue Once, You Can’t Get It Again

Not true. Four different but closely related viruses cause dengue fever. Recovery from one strain provides lifelong immunity only against that particular strain1.

12. Myth: Dengue Mosquitoes Can Fly Long Distances

Aedes mosquitoes, responsible for transmitting Dengue, are not long-distance flyers. Their flight range is typically limited to a few hundred meters2.

13. Myth: All Mosquito Bites Will Lead to Dengue

False. Only bites from female Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquitoes infected with dengue can transmit the disease3.

14. Myth: Dengue Is Transmitted From Mother to Child During Pregnancy

While Dengue can be passed from a mother to her baby during delivery, the risk is relatively low4.

15. Myth: Smoking Mosquito Coils Can Prevent Dengue

This isn’t wholly accurate. While burning mosquito coils can repel mosquitoes, it doesn’t prevent dengue infection if a mosquito carrying the virus bites you5.

16. Myth: Dengue Mosquitoes Bite Only at Dawn and Dusk

Aedes mosquitoes, the carriers of Dengue, are most active during the early morning and late afternoon. However, they can bite and spread Dengue at any time of day6.

17. Myth: You Can Get Dengue Fever From Consuming Contaminated Food or Water

Dengue fever is not spread through food or water but through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito7.

18. Myth: Everyone with Dengue Fever Shows Symptoms

This is a common misconception. Many people infected with the dengue virus are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms such as a rash or fever8.

19. Myth: All Mosquitoes Carry the Dengue Virus

Incorrect. Only a mosquito infected with the dengue virus can transmit the disease. Not every mosquito is a carrier9.

20. Myth: Dengue Fever Is a Mild Disease

While many cases of Dengue are mild, the disease can be severe or deadly, especially if not treated promptly10.

21. Myth: Homeopathic Medicines Can Cure Dengue

While some homoeopathic medicines might alleviate symptoms, they do not cure Dengue. Dengue treatment usually involves managing symptoms, and severe cases require hospital care11.

22. Myth: Dengue Fever Can Be Diagnosed Based on Symptoms Alone

Diagnosing Dengue based on symptoms alone can be misleading as its symptoms are similar to other illnesses. Laboratory tests are necessary for a confirmed diagnosis12.

23. Myth: Use of Insecticides Is the Only Way to Control Dengue Mosquitoes

Insecticides can help control mosquito populations but are not the only solution. Eliminating mosquito breeding sites is the most effective way to prevent dengue13.

24. Myth: Papaya Leaf Extract Can Cure Dengue

Papaya leaf extract is believed to increase platelet count, but it is not a cure for Dengue. Dengue patients should seek medical attention and not rely solely on home remedies14.

25. Myth: Dengue Fever Cannot Be Prevented

False. While there is no guaranteed way to prevent Dengue, there are steps that can reduce the risk, such as avoiding mosquito bites and eliminating mosquito breeding sites15.

26. Myth: Dengue Is Not a Serious Health Problem

Contrary to this myth, Dengue is a significant public health concern worldwide, with an estimated 390 million infections each year16.

27. Myth: Dengue Mosquitoes Can Breed in Dirty Water Only

Dengue mosquitoes can breed in any stagnant water, not just dirty water. This includes clean water in flower pots, plates under potted plants, and water storage containers17.

28. Myth: Pets Can Get Dengue

Dengue is a human disease. While mosquitoes can bite pets, there is no evidence that pets can contract or transmit dengue fever18.

29. Myth: People Infected with Dengue Should Be Quarantined

Dengue is not contagious and cannot be spread directly from person to person. Thus, quarantine is not necessary19.

30. Myth: Travelers Cannot Bring Dengue Into Other Countries

Unfortunately, this is not true. Travellers can get infected in a dengue-endemic area and return the disease to their home country20.


Understanding the reality of dengue fever is a crucial step towards effective prevention and control. It’s time to discard these myths and adopt evidence-based practices to protect ourselves and our communities from this disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can we kill all dengue mosquitoes to eliminate the disease? While this might seem like a solution, it is practically impossible to eliminate all mosquitoes. The key is to prevent them from breeding.

2. Can I get dengue more than once? Yes, there are four different strains of the dengue virus. You can get dengue up to four times in your lifetime.

3. Are there any medications to treat dengue? Currently, there is no specific medication to treat dengue. The treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and maintaining the patient’s fluid balance.

4. Are pregnant women at greater risk of severe dengue? Pregnant women are not at a higher risk of severe dengue, but dengue can pose risks to both mother and baby, including preterm birth, low birth weight, and maternal morbidity.

5. Can I get dengue from a blood transfusion? Yes, dengue can be transmitted through infected blood products or organ transplants.

1. Can dengue be prevented by taking Vitamin C? No, there are no specific vitamins or supplements that can prevent dengue11.

2. Can dengue mosquitoes breed in running water? No, Aedes mosquitoes prefer to breed in stagnant water12.

3. Can dengue fever be cured? While there’s no specific cure for dengue, the disease can be managed with appropriate medical care.

4. Can dengue lead to death? In severe cases, dengue can be life-threatening, but with early detection and proper medical care, the fatality rate is below 1%.

5. Should people with dengue avoid drinking water? No, people with dengue should drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, a common complication of the illness13.

  1. World Health Organization: Dengue control
  2. CDC: Prevent Dengue
  3. CDC: Prevent Dengue
  4. CDC: Dengue Transmission
  5. CDC: Prevent Dengue
  6. World Health Organization: Dengue and severe Dengue
  7. World Health Organization: Dengue control
  8. World Health Organization: Dengue and severe Dengue
  9. CDC: Dengue Vaccine
  10. World Health Organization: Dengue and severe Dengue
  11. World Health Organization: Dengue and severe Dengue
  12. World Health Organization: Dengue control
  13. CDC: Dengue Healthcare Providers
  14. World Health Organization: Dengue control
  15. World Health Organization: Dengue control
  16. CDC: Dengue Transmission
  17. CDC: Dengue and Pregnant Women
  18. CDC: Prevent Dengue
  19. CDC: Dengue Transmission
  20. CDC: Dengue Transmission
  21. CDC: Dengue Symptoms and Treatment
  22. CDC: Dengue Transmission
  23. World Health Organization: Dengue and severe Dengue
  24. World Health Organization: Dengue and severe Dengue
  25. CDC: Dengue Testing
  26. World Health Organization: Dengue control
  27. World Health Organization: Dengue and severe Dengue
  28. CDC: Prevent Dengue
  29. World Health Organization: Dengue and severe Dengue
  30. World Health Organization: Dengue control
  31. World Health Organization: Dengue and severe Dengue
  32. World Health Organization: Dengue and severe Dengue
  33. CDC: Dengue Travelers

Dengue fever myths include misconceptions about its seasonal occurrence, transmission, and prevention. Aedes mosquitoes, not all mosquitoes, transmit dengue. Protective measures like clothing, mosquito nets, and repellents are essential. Accurate diagnosis and public health efforts are crucial. Travelers can contract and spread dengue. It’s vital to debunk these myths to combat this global health concern

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader concerned about their health should contact a doctor for advice.

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Tanzir Islam Britto

Hello, I'm Dr. Tanzir Islam Britto. As a dedicated physician, I've embarked on my medical journey at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical College (BSMMC), previously known as Faridpur Medical College, where I pursued my Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). I completed my degree at Shahabuddin Medical College (SMC). Alongside my medical career, I am an amateur writer and an active social media advocate, where I share insights into health, wellness, and more.

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